52词语>英语词典>Iron Curtain翻译和用法

Iron Curtain

英 [ˈaɪən ˈkɜːtn]

美 [ˈaɪərn ˈkɜːrtn]

n.  铁幕(指昔日西欧与东欧共产党国家之间想象的屏障)




    • 铁幕(指昔日西欧与东欧共产党国家之间想象的屏障)
      the name that people used for the border that used to exist between Western Europe and the communist countries of Eastern Europe


      • N-PROPER 铁幕(指前苏联、东欧共产主义国家与西欧国家的边境)
        People referred to the border that separated the Soviet Union and the communist countries of Eastern Europe from the Western European countries asthe Iron Curtain.
        1. The collapse of the Iron Curtain had immediate impact on the lives of everyone in Germany.
        2. ...when he travelled behind the Iron Curtain in the 1970s.
          当他 20 世纪 70 年代在铁幕背后的国家旅行时
      • (国家)铁幕背后的(指前苏联及其东欧盟国)
        People used to refer to the Soviet Union and its East European allies as theIron Curtaincountries.


        • The iron curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet union.
        • In1987 President Reagan carried this war of words to the most symbolic section of the iron curtain: the Berlin wall.
        • The Hungarian prime minister warns of a "new iron curtain" descending across Europe.
        • Walking into the gallery, you will find that the exhibition hall is divided by the huge iron curtain frames where the paintings are hung up.
        • From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.
        • Invincible Demolition Trucks Build five or six Demolition Trucks and have a fully charged Iron Curtain ready.
        • Unfortunately, while the Iron Curtain is thankfully no more, a new division is emerging.
        • In front of the Iron Curtain across Europe, there are other worrying factor.
        • There has been a flight to safety by investors and bankers who fear their stakes in Ukraine and elsewhere in the region are on the wrong side of a financial Iron Curtain that the bank guarantees have created between supposedly safe and risky assets.
        • Core tip: If the people want to find the Iron Curtain in the reality on the earth, Berlin Wall is undoubtedly the most representive one.